2022 October Spotlight: Has the Federal Reserve Panicked?

As we begin a new quarter, chaos is building in the capital markets with the fixed income markets hit particularly hard. The Fed waited too long to lift rates to counteract the worst inflation in decades and now must contend with the impact of their tardiness. Lifting interest rates is the right thing to be doing, but is the desperate pace we’re seeing necessary and beneficial? We think not.

The yearly awards, presented by Envestnet | PMC and Investment Advisor recognize active managers who have beaten their benchmarks, shown solid performance in general over time and are the best in their respective asset class.  Eligibility requires the portfolio manager have $200 million in assets and three years of experience.  Additionally, the managers also need to be open to new investment on the Envestnet platform.  Award finalists were chosen using Envestnet | PMC’s proprietary, systematic, and multi-factor methodology for evaluating managers, which takes a variety of qualitative and quantitative criteria into consideration, such as investment process and style, performance, firm profile, customer service, and tax efficiency. SSI Investment Management did not pay to participate.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.